Hey guys,I'm back!its been a while since i last wrote.I'm stuck with assignments and presentations.which is not nice at all.went to discuss SOCIO and CT with group members last weekend as i did not back to penang still.Pretty interesting because we get to study and have fun at the same time!Fun learning Lol.I had my CT presentation yesterday.I must say it went pretty well although we were all very nervous but it was a successful one.!Nice!..Hmm and then nothing much happen except I'm having my SOCIO presentation tomorrow.wish me luck!gotta rehearse later on.and oh my class had a 'hand art' class today.I was the lab rat LoL..end up my hand looking like some freaking mafia!=)..As u guys can see from the picture..the blue shirt is me!cute right?thanks to shy haha..More pictures in FB..Moving on to next part..
I'm going back to penang this week!Finally!and then will be back to kampar on Sunday and back toPenang on next Wednesday again.To meet my cousin!Yay!Cant wait..i wanna play SC2,Watch 4 movies!and Penang FOODDDD!!Also i wish i can meet her this one time though*cross fingers*
I guess that's all eh?gotta ready for jogging soon!till next time!cya guys!
i like the hand art! :D