I know its surprising but i wanted to write it here.I have a girl that i really love and care about right now.shes younger than me.and shes in penang of course.we havent meet yet so far.
Alright for our progress.i told her i like her and it all began.i gave her time to decide,slowly till december,or mayb later or sooner?who knows?..
The main point here is,will our relationship work?she have a strict parents,and not much freedom still.we got a lot of obstacles and yet im not giving up.i ask myself>why do i wanna choose her when there are so many other girls where i can get easier?well that's love i guess.The problem with me is,once i make a decision i wont change especially a promise which i made already.I really like her and i accepted her past, and I don't like her because shes beautiful or anything,but i like her for her personality,for who she is and then comes her look.(get me?lol)
Getting to like her have really changed me quite a lot,i don't play video games that much anymore,i study more often now and then,i played guitar and do more outdoor activities instead of facing the computer.We spoke and shared a lot of things together but till now we haven't got a chance to meet yet.so hopefully next month i will be able to meet her and i believe we will progress a lot from there.
Distance is a problem too,lets say she doesn't come to Utar,kampar next year.i wont get to meet her as often as i want-again,i don't really mind about that as we can keep contact.But if she go to other college or U will we stay strong like we are now?.i know i sound sarcastic but I'm just really worried from what i experience my last relationship.I'm really scare of the 'hurt' feeling.yea I'm a guy so what?I'm still scared.As i mentioned before,nothing scares me more than love.
I tell myself,why don't i just give up and give excuses to throw her aside and find someone here at kampar which are more convenient.I wanted to but too bad that's not me and it don't work that way because shes already in my heart =)
Some may know who is the girl I'm talking about,some may not...all that i have just written here are my worries.it doesn't mean anything.I just wanted to share it out.i cant keep it inside of me anymore.All i need now is patience and self control.I know my patience will pay off well.If it don't i will just have to accept it xD
Here ends about my tale of chasing a girl.thx for reading this Noob post =)
P.S God knows whether we will be together or not.But i promise i wont give her up,unless something like parents stand in between then i had to let her go.But till then i will stand strong!Hopefully it works.Wish Me luck :D
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